Adding categories, item categories, customer group, and order guides through file upload

Use a .xls or .xlsx file that contains category information in the specified format.

You can upload multiple files simultaneously, but only one file is imported at a time.

  1. On the Business Center home page, select Shop > Bulk Update.
  2. Click the Uploader icon to browse for Excel files, or drag and drop files to the Upload area.
  3. Select a file type.
    • Select Category to upload a file that contains categories and category information.
    • Select Item Category to upload a file that contains item categories and item category information.
    • Select Customer Group to upload a file that contains the customer group name and customer number.
    • Select Order Guide to upload a file that contains the order guide name, notes, customer number, and item number.
    Note: Users or merchant administrators can download Excel templates that are supported by bulk update in the Downloadable Templates area.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Browse for the file to upload, and click Open.
    When upload is still in progress, a loading indicator is displayed on the Status column of the file. When upload is complete, the file name is displayed in the Results area.
  6. Click the file name of the uploaded file.
    The File Upload Details page shows details of the upload activity, including the number of failed records in the uploaded file, if any. Information about any failed records is displayed in the Issues section. You can filter results by issue severity.
    For order guides, these calculations are made during validation:
    • The total number of records. This formula is used:

      (Number of customers * Number of items)

    • The total number of failed records. This formula is used:

      (Invalid customers * Total number of items) + (Valid customers * Invalid items)

    • The total number of valid records. This formula is used:

      (Valid customers * Total number of items) + (Valid customers * Invalid items)

  7. Optionally, if there are failed records in the uploaded file, then click Revalidate.
  8. Click Import to apply the file to category records.
    If the name of the order guide matches the name of an existing order guide for a customer in the file, then the existing order guide is replaced with the items in the file that you are importing.

    If the file for import is an item category file, then a window where you can select how to apply the file to an existing item category records is displayed.

  9. Select one of these options:
    1. For Category Upload file:
      • Add: To add records from the upload file to categories.
      • Replace: To update records from the upload file to existing categories.
    2. For Item Categories file:
      • Add: To add items from the upload file to existing records of the category. If an item already has a main category, that value shall remain and new category will just be added to it.
      • Replace: To replace existing records of the category with records from the upload file. This will remove association of an item to the categories. For example, if CatA has Item1, Item2 and Item3, but upload file only has CatA and Item1, then Item1 shall be the only item under CatA.
    Note: If the upload file contains categories that do not contain valid items, which will result in the removal of any existing item-category associations and the replacement with empty categories, a message confirming the Replace action is displayed.