Uploading category images from an external source

You can upload category images with file types such as .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .svg, or a zip file containing these images. You can map the image files to the appropriate device where these images are displayed. The supported devices are desktop, table, and mobile devices. You can use these steps using the POST method to upload category images:

  1. In the external source, for example, the POST event, click the Choose File button under /assets/{type}/{group}.
  2. Select a file or a zip file that contains the images.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify category
    Specify images
    Specify the tenant.
  4. Click Execute.
  5. You must associate the images to the categories. In the PUT event, specify the iamge file name to the appropriate category. For example:
    "images": {
    "desktop": "desktopimage.jpg",
    "mobile": "mobileimage.jpg",
    "preview": "previewimage.jpg",
    "tablet": "tabletimage.jpg" 
  6. Click Execute.