Application details

The Application Details page displays parameters that are predefined in Rhythm e-Commerce. All parameters are set at the tenant level. This table describes these parameters:

Group Parameter Description
Address Format AddressIdentifier This parameter determines which attributes are visible in the address selection drop-down box. The default format is addressname.

These are the supported fields: addressname, addressee, address1, address2, address3, address4, postalcode, city, country, state, province, statecode, and countrycode.

For single line addresses, a vertical line (|) indicates where a comma is placed while a comma (,) indicates space.
Note: State and province show identical information. Statecode and countrycode are not displayed in Business Center, but you can display them on your website.
Application Stock Value Upper Limit This parameter determines the maximum numeric value to be displayed in the web shop when Stock Value Indicator is set to Quantity. By default, it is blank.
Note: If the in-stock quantity exceeds the Stock Value Upper Limit, then the upper limit is displayed with a plus sign in the web shop.
Mail BODSendMail This parameter defines the BODs that can trigger the sending of emails. The valid values are:

AcknowledgeSalesOrder, SyncSalesOrder, and SyncShipment.

Mail BODSendMailOrderStatusChange This parameter defines the status that triggers an email that is sent to the user when we receive SyncSalesOrder.
Catalog GenVisibilityForCatalogID The general visibility for category ID.
Category RootCategoryInternalName The name of the root category. All top-level categories must have the parent category set to the root category.
Category RootCategoryInternalNameSPS The name of the root category for Spare Parts Sales.
CenPOS CreditCardCVVUserID The CenPOS user ID, used for processing payment authorization transactions. This user is configured to require CVV number.
CenPOS CreditCardCVVUserPassword The CenPOS user password, used for processing payment authorization actions. This user is configured to require CVV number.
CenPOS CreditCardMerchantID The merchant ID for the CenPOS merchant account.
CenPOS CreditCardNonCVVUserID The CenPOS user ID, used for processing payment authorization transactions. This user is not configured to require CVV number.
CenPOS CreditCardNonCVVUserPassword The CenPOS user password, used for processing payment authorization transactions. This user is not configured to require CVV numbers.
CenPOS EncryptedMerchantId The encrypted CenPOS merchant ID, which is retrieved from the CenPOS Administration Panel.
CenPOS SecretKey The CenPOS secret key, which is retrieved from the CenPOS Administration Panel.

The user must specify a code which is sent to the mobile phone or email. Once the correct code is specified, the secret key is displayed.

CPQ Default Profile This parameter specifies which language is used for displaying the CPQ Rulesets after the configurator web UI is rendered. Profiles are defined in CPQ Design Studio and are utilized by the rules developer to tailor to the user experience.
CPQ Namespace This parameter needs to be sent to the CPQ configurator for rendering the configurator web UI, and for Rhythm to be able to access and use the CPQ Rulesets. The Namespace of the product configuration model is defined in the CPQ Design Studio.
Default User DefRoleType This parameter defines the role that is assigned by default upon creation of consumer user. The initial value is Consumer Role.
Google Map Google Map API Key The Google Map-based store locator is set up using this parameter.
IDM DeliveryNotesDocType This field should contain the value of the IDM Document Type that is tagged to Delivery Notes documents published by the ERP.
IDM DeliveryNotesKeyAttribute This field should contain the value of the IDM Document Attribute that is tagged to Delivery Notes documents published by the ERP.
IDM DeliveryNotesQuery This field enables users to retrieve a specific Delivery Notes document through a configurable search query, where:
  • CommonDoc is the IDM Document Type for Delivery Notes documents.
  • DocumentNumber is the IDM Document Attribute for Delivery Notes documents.
  • $key is the value that you use to retrieve an individual document.

    To learn more about possible $key values, see Setting up the download of delivery notes from the Delivery Notes widget in the Infor Rhythm for Commerce Web Content and Functions Guide.

IDM InvoiceDocType This field should contain the value of the IDM Document Type that is tagged to Invoice documents published by the ERP.

It is used for correlating the invoice records on your website to corresponding IDM documents of that type.

IDM InvoiceKeyAttribute This field should contain the value of the IDM Document Attribute that is tagged to Invoice documents published by the ERP.
IDM InvoiceQuery This field enables users to retrieve a specific Invoice document through a configurable search query, where:
  • CommonDoc is the IDM Document Type for Invoice documents.
  • DocumentNumber
  • $key is the value that you use to retrieve an individual document. is the IDM Document Attribute for Invoice documents.

    To learn more about possible $key values, see "Setting up the download of invoices from the Invoice Details widget" in the Infor Rhythm for Commerce Web Content and Functions Guide.

IDM OrderConfirmationDocType This field should contain the value of the IDM Document Type that is tagged to Order Confirmation documents published by the ERP.

It is used for correlating the Sales Order Acknowledgment records on your website to corresponding IDM documents of that type.

IDM OrderConfirmationKeyAttribute This field should contain the value of the IDM Document Attribute that is tagged to Order Confirmation documents published by the ERP.

Together with IDM.OrderConfirmationDocType, this field identifies the specific IDM document that you can download from the sales order record on your website.

IDM OrderConfirmationQuery This field enables users to retrieve a specific Order Confirmation document through a configurable search query, where:
  • CommonDoc is the IDM Document Type for Order Confirmation documents.
  • DocumentNumber
  • $key is the value that you use to retrieve an individual document. is the IDM Document Attribute for Order Confirmation documents.

    To learn more about possible $key values, see Setting up the download of order confirmations from the Order Confirmations widget in the Infor Rhythm for Commerce Web Content and Functions Guide.

Item Stocked Inventory Status This parameter contains a comma-separated list of inventory status that is acquired from the ERP.
Note: A blank value is automatically considered as 'Stocked'.
Job Scheduler Job Failure Notice Recipients This enables users to receive notifications if a job failure occurs.
Mail DefaultItemImageThumbURL The default image placeholder displayed on the order approval mail for items without images. If there is no URL provided, then a broken image is displayed in the order approval mail notification.
Mail EmailAddressSeparator The character separator to be used in separating email addresses. The character you specify here must be used in separating multiple BCC email addresses. Otherwise, intended BCC recipients do not receive the email.

If you do not define a character separator in this field, then the default character used is a semicolon.

Mail MailReceiverBlindCarbonCopy Lists email addresses that you assign as BCC email recipients of all your customer users' orders.
Mail MailReceiverForItemReturnRequest Lists email addresses that you assign as recipients of all your customer users' request for returns.
Mail MailReceiverForQuote Optionally, specify one or more email addresses of the account managers to receive email notification. Account managers can be non-Rhythm users.
Note: If you specify a value in this application detail and in the Mail Receiver for Quote customer detail, then the value in customer detail takes precedence.
Mail OrderSubmitNotificationLogo The logo displayed on the order notification email. The logo image can be any image that is accessible from the Internet.
Mail OrderSubmitNotificationRedirectionURL The redirection URL that is indicated on the order notification email. The link found on the order notification email depends on the URL of the company's website.
Ordering AutopopulateYourReference This parameter controls configuration options in automatically populating the Your Reference field during order checkout. You can specify these values:
  • User Name automatically populates this field with the user's name.
  • User ID automatically populates this field with the user's email address.
  • <empty_string> leaves this field blank, if left empty.

Even when Your Reference is automatically populated, users can still modify the values in the field.

Ordering CostCenterIdLength This parameter specifies the Cost Center ID length. By default, the displayed value is 5. If the user leaves this parameter blank or specifies an invalid value, then the ID length is automatically set to 5.
Note: If the ID length is more than 5 characters, then the user must remap the field to the target M3 custom field. The standard field identified in M3 to hold the value only accepts up to 5 characters.
Ordering Edit Order Cut off Time

This parameter specifies a UTC time (hh:mm:ss) for editing an order. If this parameter has a value, the combined order header’s requested delivery date and edit order cutoff time must be earlier than the user’s current date and time in UTC, so the user can edit an order.

If the cutoff time is undefined, then the edit order criteria are not included in the date and time.

Ordering Editable Order Payment Code

This parameter specifies one or more payment code of orders that is editable. This parameter accepts comma-separated values and is not case-sensitive.

Note: Ensure the payment code defined is for the invoice. You can use values found in Payments > Invoice > Payment Code drop-down.
Ordering Editable Order Status This parameter specifies one or more header status of orders that is editable. For example, Approved, Allocated, are accepted values. This parameter accepts comma-separated values and is not case-sensitive.
Note:  You can use values found in Codes > POStat Code Type > Code.
Ordering International Code This parameter controls international codes that you can use to add items in the shopping cart.
Ordering International Code Separator This parameter controls the configuration of separators used for international code item attributes.
Ordering MaxOrderIdleTime This parameter controls the time-to-live value for saved shopping carts, determining that amount of time temporary orders should be saved.
Ordering MaxTransactionDaysBeforePurging This parameter enables the user to configure the age (in days) of the data to be retained or deleted. The default value is empty.
Note: If the parameter value is empty, then the scheduled job is not run and no data is deleted.
Ordering Order Guide Price Refresh in Hours This parameter specifies the frequency with which prices are refreshed in order guides. The default value is 8 hours. Invalid values could cause an error.
Ordering Order Header Note Character Limit This parameter configures the maximum number of characters that you can use as order header notes. The default value is 20.
Ordering Orderline Note Character Limit This parameter configures the maximum number of characters that you can use as order line notes. The default value is 500.
Ordering Pickup Method This parameter defines the delivery method for pickup transactions identified in the ERP.
Ordering Purchase Order Number Character Limit This parameter configures the maximum number of characters that you can use as a purchase order number. The default value is 20.
Ordering Your Reference Character Limit This parameter configures the maximum number of characters that you can use as a Your Reference entry. The default value is 50.
PIM ProductIconId Enables the user to specify the mapping of PIM attribute to use for the product icons. The default value is null.
PunchOut Order Address ID XPath Enables the user to specify the ProcessSalesOrder XPath to use for address IDs that are sent to order request cXML payloads.
Note: XPath should adhere to OAGIS BOD Standards.
PunchOut Order Credential Identity This parameter configures whether you must utilize 'From Credential Identity' or 'Sender Credential Identity' from the request.
PunchOut Order Default OrderRequest User XPath This parameter configures where the email address is in the request.
PunchOut Order Default PunchOut User Xpath This parameter configures where the email address is in the request when there is no defined Xpath in the Customer Details > cXML Header Fields: PunchOut User Xpath. This parameter is overriden if an Xpath has been defined in the Customer Details and resolves to a value.
PunchOut Order HostName This parameter configures whether the email address in the request can have no email domain.

When no email domain is provided in the request in cXML PunchOut, the user can still log in, provided that the value in Application Details is correct.

Search NodeHealthMonitorUser Enables users with the node health monitor.
Shipping Address InsertBillingAddress The billing address that corresponds to the default shipping address.
Shipping Address InsertEmptyAddress The default shipping address when the field is empty.
Shipping Address Name Used to display the shipping addresses on the site and to search for a shipping address on the site. This must always be enabled.
Shipping Address Phone Number Max Length This parameter configures the maximum number you can use as phone number. The default value is 20.
Shipping Address UserDefined This parameter enables the shipping address creation in user level in the web shop. Possible values are true or false.
User Account LockoutDuration This parameter determines how long the account stays locked when multiple failed login attempts happened in the Business Center. The default value is 30 minutes.
User Account MaxFailedLoginAttempts This parameter determines the number of failed login attempts before an account is locked. The default value is 3.
User Address Address 1 Character Limit Controls the character limit when adding or updating the shipping or billing address of consumer users.

The default value for this parameter is 36 characters.

User Address Address 2 Character Limit The default value for this parameter is 36 characters.
User Address Addressee Character Limit The default value for this parameter is 36 characters.
User Address Company Character Limit The default value for this parameter is 10 characters.
WebService StockLevelMaxRetry Controls the maximum number of retry attempts for each Stock level web service call.
WebService StockLevelRequestMode Controls which request mode to be used for each stock level request service call. You can specify any of these values:
  • Top considers the order of priority among warehouses within the active warehouse group of the users. The stock information of an item is retrieved from the highest priority warehouse where the item is associated, regardless of the stock availability.
  • NonZero considers only the highest priority warehouse group that has available or non-zero stock.
  • Sum considers the sum of available stocks in all the warehouses of the active warehouse group.