Setting up multilevel order approval and multiple order approval limits

Customers can submit orders that require an approval before being placed as actual orders if the approval limits are met.
Note: The application properties Ordering.Cost Center Enabled must be set to true and Ordering.Order Approval Flow Mode must be set to cost center.
  1. On the Business Center home page, select Users > Cost Center.
  2. To find a cost center, specify search keywords in the search form and then click Search.
  3. Select a Cost Center ID.
  4. In the Cost Center Details page, click the Approval tab.
  5. To add approval limits and order approvers, click Add Row.
    The sequence numbers are displayed automatically.
  6. Specify the approval limit amounts in the Approval Limit field in ascending order. If set to 0, then all orders are submitted for approval.
  7. Specify the order approvers:
    1. To open the Order Approvers dialog box, click the ellipsis icon in the row.
    2. Click the New Approver icon.
    3. Select the order approver in the Approver Name field.
      Only cost center users with the Order Approver feature element selected on their user role are displayed in this field.
    4. Click Ok.
  8. Click Save.