Downloading and editing the bulk import report

The bulk import report is a CSV file that contains one line for each file in the zip file that you uploaded. The CSV file also contains a column for the entity ID. Use the EntityID column to specify the entity to associate with each file. To specify the default image, rearrange the order of the lines in the file.

  1. On the dashboard, click Import / Export.
  2. If multiple accounting entities are available in PIM, ensure that you have selected the accounting entity that you want to use.
  3. In the row that contains the file that you want to download, click the Download CSV button.
  4. Open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel.
  5. Save the file as an .xlsx file.
  6. In the EntityID column, specify the ID of the entity where each file will be uploaded.
    For information about locating entity IDs, see Identifying IDs used in imported files.
  7. Optionally, arrange the lines in the file. The first line in each attribute for each entity is the default image for the attribute.
  8. Save the file as an .xlsx file.