Creating notification templates in the Notification Service

This topic describes how to create a notification template from a blank form. In Rhythm Services, you can complete other tasks, such as creating verified sender credentials, copying an existing template, specifying a default template, and deleting templates.

See the Infor Rhythm Services Notification Service User Guide or Infor Rhythm Services online help.

  1. Sign in to Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le.
  2. From the application tray, select Infor Rhythm Services.
  3. Click Notifications.
  4. On the card for the type of notification that you are creating, click Details.
  5. Click Create Template.
  6. Specify this information:
    Template Name
    Specify a name for the template.
    Type Code
    Specify the notification type. If you accessed the Create Template form from notification type details, the notification type that you were viewing is displayed.
    Email is displayed. Email is currently the only available channel.
    From the list, select the locale where the template is used.
    Specify the ID of the site that sends the notification. Leave this field blank to use the template in all of your sites.
    Click the arrow and select the sender for this notification. When you click the arrow, a list of verified senders is displayed.
    Specify the subject of the email. You can include placeholder variables in the subject line.
  7. In the Body field, specify the content of the email in HTML format. Syntax is highlighted.
    You can include variables in the content. The list of available variables is displayed at the bottom of the window. You can copy the variable and paste it into the notification body.
  8. Click Save.