Configuring the Store Location List widget

Use the configurations to specify default settings and behaviors of the widget.

  1. Sign in to the web shop with site editor credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Store Location page.
  3. On the Store Location List widget, select Options > Configuration.
  4. Specify this information:
    Store Detail Target Page
    If you have not set up Google Maps, specify the page to open when a user clicks a store name. If you have set up Google Maps, then this configuration is ignored. When users click a store name, details about the store are displayed directly in the Store Location List widget.
    Store Type
    Specify the type of store to display first.
    Country Selection
    To limit the stores that are displayed on the page by country, specify the country ID.
    Stores to Display Per Page
    Specify the number of stores to display on a page.
    Page Load Type
    Specify how the widget behaves if the number of stores exceeds the value that you specified in the Stores to Display Per Page configuration.
    Distance Unit
    If you are displaying a Google Map, specify the unit of measure to use to measure distance between the user's location and the stores.
    Distance Calculation Mode
    If you are displaying a Google Map, specify how to calculate the distance between the user's location and the stores. To calculate the distance based on driving directions, select Driving Distance. The distance measurement is displayed next to each store in the Store Location List widget. Note that Google charges a usage fee for this option. See
    To calculate the distance based on a straight line between the user's location and the stores, select Point to Point Distance. If you select this option, distance measurements are not displayed in the Store Location List widget.
    The default setting for this configuration is Point to Point Distance.
  5. Click SAVE.