Adding the Payment CenPOS Portlet widget to the Order Checkout page

You can add multiple instances of the Payment CenPOS Portlet widget. For example, if you use different CenPOS merchant IDs in each market, you can add a Payment CenPOS Portlet widget for each market. Use the Assign User Segment field to identify the market, and the Credit Card Merchant ID field to specify the merchant ID that you use with the market.

  1. Sign in to the web shop as a site editor.
  2. Navigate to the Order Checkout page.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. In the Rhythm Commerce Payment Widgets section, drag the Payment CenPOS Portlet widget to the page under the Order Checkout widget.
  5. On the Payment CenPOS Portlet widget, select Options > Configuration.
  6. In the Details section, specify this information:
    Payment System Code
    Specify the payment system code that you use for CenPOS. Ensure that the term CenPOS is used in the code ID. This value must be unique for each instance of the Payment CenPOS Portlet widget.
    Payment Method Mapping
    Specify the payment method code that maps to credit card payments.
    Assign User Segments
    If you use only one CenPOS merchant ID and all web shop users can pay with credit cards, then slide the Select All switch to YES.

    If you use different CenPOS merchant IDs for each market, slide the Select All switch to NO. Click the arrow and select the user segments that can use this instance of the Payment CenPOS Portlet widget.

  7. In the Parameters section, specify this information:
    Credit Card CVV User ID
    Specify the CenPOS user ID that is used for processing payment authorization transactions. This user is configured to require the CVV number.
    Credit Card CVV User Password
    Specify the password for the CVV User ID.
    Credit Card Merchant ID
    Specify the merchant ID that you use for CenPOS.
    Credit Card Non-CVV User ID
    Specify the CenPOS user ID that is used for processing payment authorization transactions. This user is configured not to require the CVV number.
    Credit Card Non-CVV User Password
    Specify the password for the non-CVV User ID.
    Encrypted Merchant ID
    Specify the encrypted merchant ID to use with this instance of the Payment CenPOS Portlet widget. Retrieve this value from the CenPOS Administration Panel.
    Secret Key
    Specify the CenPOS secret key. Retrieve this value from the CenPOS Administration Panel. Specify a code. This code is sent to the mobile phone or email. The secret key is displayed once the correct code is specified.
  8. In the Credit Card Endpoints section, specify this information:
    URL Merchant Account
    Specify the URL of the CenPOS web service.
    WebService CC Token WSDL Endpoint
    Specify the URL of the web service endpoint for processing credit card payments in CenPOS.
    WebService CC Token WSDL URL
    Specify the URL of the web service WSDL file for processing credit card payments in CenPOS.
    WebService CC Transaction WSDL Endpoint
    Specify the endpoint URL used to access the WSDL file that bears the CenPOS transaction details.
    Web Service CC Transaction WSDL URL
    Specify the URL link to the CenPOS system used for authorization.
    Request timeout
    Specify in seconds how long a request to the web service is made before the request times out. The recommended value is 10000.
    Connection timeout
    Specify in seconds how long a connection to the web service is made before the connection times out. The recommended value is 5000.
  9. Click Save.