Configuring address sequences

You can specify different address sequences for each country. You can also update the default address format or designate a different address as the default. The default format is used if a country-specific address format is not available.
  1. In the Application Setup section of the Business Center, select Address Format.
  2. Click Create New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Address Format
    Specify an ID for the format.
    Address Format Name
    Specify a name for the format.
    Address Display Sequence
    Specify the format of the address. You can use these address components:
    • addressname
    • address1
    • address2
    • address3
    • address4
    • postalcode
    • zip
    • city
    • country
    • countrycode
    • state
    • statecode
    • province
    • phone
    • fax
    • email
    Note: The state and province elements show identical information. Statecode and postalcode are not displayed in the Business Center, but you can display these on your website.
    You can use these characters to format the address:
    • | (vertical line character). When addresses are displayed on multiple lines, the vertical line inserts a line break. When addresses are displayed on a single line, the vertical line indicates where a comma is placed.
    • , (comma). If you include more than one address component in a line, use the comma to insert a space between the components.
    Default Address Format
    Select Yes to use the format as the default.
  4. Click Create.
  5. In the Country field, select the country that uses this format.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add more countries that use the format.