Stock level, available to promise, and pricing information in Quick Order Entry

Site editors can configure the Quick Order Entry widget to show available to promise, stock level, and pricing information in the By Item Number tab of the widget.

Business Center activation notes

To show available to promise, stock, and pricing information, you must also set up the Business Center. This table shows an overview of setup options:
Behavior Setup
Users can view the Quick Order Entry widget Assign users to a role where the Quick Order Entry feature element is enabled.
Users can view stock level and available to promise information
  • Assign users to a role where the Stock Availability List and Warehouses feature elements are enabled
  • Specify true in the WebService.Multiple Stock Availability Request property on the Application Properties form.
  • Set up stock levels in the Stock Levels form.
  • Set up the StockLevelRequestMode parameter in the Application Details form
  • Optionally, set up the Stock Value Upper Limit parameter in the Application Details form. This configuration is used with the Quantity stock level display option.
  • If you use M3 as your ERP, specify the stock level source in the Market Details form.
Users can view dealer prices Assign users to a role where the List Prices feature element is enabled.
Users can view retail prices Assign users to a role where the Retail Prices feature element is enabled.


Only the latest available to promise date is displayed.

Blanket agreement indicators are not displayed.