
Use the Monitoring form to review API responses and BOD replication activities.
You can filter the table by context. This table shows a description of each context:
Context Description
entities An entity in PIM is updated, created, or synchronized. The ID of the entity is displayed in the Data Id column.
search The search index is updated.
bod A BOD is received and is either successfully processed or not processed. Select this context to view all BOD events.
bod::error A BOD is received and is not processed successfully. Select this context to view BOD errors.
entities::types An entity type in PIM is updated, created, or synchronized. The ID of the entity type is displayed in the Data Id column.
import-export Data is imported into PIM with the Import/Export module.
entities::types::ecom::success Entity type information is successfully replicated to Rhythm for Commerce. This context is used when defined attributes for an entity type are created, updated, or deleted.
entities::types::ecom::error Entity type information is not successfully replicated to Rhythm for Commerce.
entities:::ecom::success Entity information is successfully replicated to Rhythm for Commerce.
entities:::ecom::error Entity information is not successfully replicated to Rhythm for Commerce.