Adding a relationship type to an entity type

  1. On the dashboard, click Entity Types.
  2. If multiple accounting entities are available in PIM, ensure that you have selected the accounting entity that you want to use.
  3. Click the Add button. An entity type is added to the top level of the structure.
  4. In the records pane, click the entity type.
  5. Click Add Relationship.
  6. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the relationship. The name is used to identify the relationship in the Entities form.
    Specify a unique ID for the relationship.
    Relationship Type
    Select the type of relationship.

    You can define a mapping for a particular relationship type once in an entity type hierarchy. For example, parent entity type Clothes has a child entity type of Shirts. You can define a mapping for the Upgrade relationship type in either the Clothes entity type or Shirts entity type, but not both.

    You can define a mapping for the same relationship type in sibling entity types. For example, parent entity type Clothes has two children entity types: Shirts and Pants. You can define an Upgrade relationship type on both Shirts and Pants, provided that you have not defined an Upgrade relationship type on Clothes.

    Optionally, provide a description.
    Source BOD Element Mapping
    Specify the BOD xpath that contains the related items.
  7. Click Update.