Setup of self-registration in Rhythm Portal

Use Rhythm Portal to set up the web shop pages and web content that are used for user registration. After you set up the web shop pages, configure widgets to link to the pages and content that you create.
Complete these tasks:
  1. Create a terms and conditions document and a privacy policy document. This step is optional. You can also create only one of the documents.
  2. Create a User Registration page. Add the User Registration widget to the page.
  3. Configure the Mini-cart, Rhythm Login, and Order Checkout widgets to link to the User Registration page.
  4. Configure the Contact Information and User Logo widgets.
  5. If you allow users to register from the Log In widget, specify the page that they will be redirected to after they complete their registrations.
  6. Optionally, configure the web shop to display the password policy in a tooltip on the User Registration page.

A user with the site editor role in Rhythm Portal can complete steps one through five. Infor personnel must complete step six.