Adding the Dashboard Order for Approval Portlet widget to the dashboard

  1. Sign in to Rhythm Portal as a site editor.
  2. Navigate to the dashboard page. .
  3. Add the Dashboard Order for Approval Portlet widget.
    1. From the page that you created, click Add.
    2. Expand Widgets > Rhythm Commerce Widgets.
    3. Drag the Dashboard Order for Approval Portlet widget to the page.
  4. On the widget, select Options > Configuration.
  5. Specify this information:
    Order For Approval List Target Page
    Specify the page to open when users click the View All link in the widget.
    Order Approval Details Target Page
    Specify the page to open when users click an order approval number.
    Checkout Flow Target Page
    Specify the checkout page. This page is opened when approvers approve an order.
  6. Click Save.