HTML tags in inriver PIM product descriptions

When you create descriptions and long descriptions for products in inriver PIM, you can use HTML tags to add formatting to the text.
This table shows the HTML tags that you can use:
HTML tag Description
<span></span> Identifies an inline section of text.
<div></div> Identifies a block of text.
<h1></h1> to <h6></h6> Heading levels.
<br> Inserts a line break.
<p style=" "></p> Identifies a paragraph. Optionally, use the style attribute to add formatting to the paragraph, such as color or font.
<b></b> Bold typeface.
<strong></strong> Important text. By default, text in this tag is bold.
<i></i> Italic typeface.
<em></em> Emphasized text. By default, text in this tag is italicized.
<del></del> Deleted text. By default, text in this tag is struck through.
<a href="destination" target="_blank></a> Adds a link. Use the href attribute to specify the page that is opened when the link is clicked. Specify "_blank" in the target attribute to open a new window or tab.
<ul><li></li></ul> Bullet list.
<ol><li></li></ol> Number list.
<button type="button"></button> Adds a button that users can click.
<svg></svg> Defines a container for SVG graphics. SVG graphics are typically icons.
<label></label> On forms, allows user to click the label to select a radio button or check box. The <label> tag does not change the appearance of the text within the tag.