Creating virtual enterprises

  1. On the Business Center home page, select Application Setup > Virtual Enterprises.
  2. Click Create New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the virtual enterprise.
    Order Type
    Specify the order type ID for the virtual enterprise.
    Note: This field applies only to virtual enterprises that are associated with M3.This field applies only to virtual enterprises
    Simulate Order Type
    Specify the simulate order type ID for the virtual enterprise.
    Note: This field applies only to virtual enterprises that are associated with M3.Specify the tenant ID. The tenant is a container for accounting entities and locations.
    Tenant ID
    Specify the tenant ID. The tenant is a container for accounting entities and locations.
    Accounting Entity
    Specify the accounting entity ID. Accounting entities can represent a division in the company.
    Warehouse-based Accounting Entity
    Select Yes to use the warehouse's accounting identity.

    Select No to use the default virtual enterprise.

    When you select Yes, these must be the settings:

    Tenant application property
    • Ordering.Select Shipping Option = true
    • Ordering.Send Warehouse to ERP = true

    Feature element

    • Get Confirmed Delivery Dates = disabled
    • Select Order Warehouse = enabled
    • Click to Collect = enabled
      Note: Any deviation from the configuration would result to the use of the default virtual enterprise accounting entity.
    Location ID
    For ERPs that require LocationID, this value is added as an element in the ProcessSalesOrder BOD.
    Default Virtual Enterprise
    Select Yes to specify this virtual enterprise as the default virtual enterprise.
    BOD Rule Name
    Specify the BOD rule name to be used to automatically determine the assigned market and virtual enterprise to the customer upon BOD replication.
  4. Click Save.