Managing blanket agreements

Blanket agreements with status 20 - 'Final' in the ERP are replicated in the Business Center.
Note: Ensure that the ContractBOD replication is enabled in M3 multi-tenant cloud edition.
  1. On the Business Center home page, select Shop > Blanket Agreements.
    A list of active Blanket Agreements is displayed including the Agreement Number, Customer Number, Valid From and Valid To dates.
  2. To view the blanket agreement details, select an Agreement Number.
    In the Blanket Agreement Details area, the agreement details are displayed including the Agreement Number, Customer Number, Valid From and Valid To dates. The descriptions from the ERP are initially cascaded to all languages. Users can manually update the descriptions in the Business Center, and are not overridden by the updates to the BOD.
    In the Blanket Agreement Line area, all the items associated to the blanket agreements are listed and the details are displayed including the Item Number, Item Name, Valid From and Valid To dates, and Agreed Quantity.