Key product attributes

Key attributes are points of differentiation among a category of products. For example, a products in a category, Nails, could use length or diameter as key attributes.

To implement key product attributes, use the Category Details form in the Business Center. To add key attributes directly to a category, first specify No in the Inherit Key Attributes field. Then, add the key attributes to display in the web shop in the Key Attributes section. You can use drag-and-drop to order the attributes. The same order is used in the web shop.

If a category is not the top-level category in the catalog, then you can set either add key attributes directly to the category or set the category to inherit key attributes from the parent category. To inherit categories from the parent, specify Yes in the Inherit Key Attributes field.

If you do not want to use key attributes for products in a category, then do not add any key attributes to the category. If a category is a child category, specify No in the Inherit Key Attributes field.

In the web shop, site editors can configure these widgets to display key attributes:
  • Product list. Site editors can configure the widget to show key attributes in the card view, the line view, or both views.
  • Product details.
  • Spare parts list
  • Shopping cart. Key attributes are displayed only if the item is not a configured item. If a style item is added to the cart, the key attributes of the parent style item are displayed.

The Product List, Product Details, and Shopping Cart widgets show ten key attributes. Site editors can configure the number of key attributes to display in the Spare Parts List widget.

To display key attributes in the web shop, the product's main category must be included in the catalog in the Business Center.


In the Application Properties form of the Business Center, specify true in the Items.Display Key Attributes field.