Scheduled job for deleting transaction data

In the Business Center, use the PreviousOrder.CleanupOrderHistory scheduled job to delete older transaction data from the Rhythm database.

Orders, invoices, and delivery notes are deleted. After the data is deleted, the information is no longer displayed in the web shop.

To specify the age of transactions to delete, use the MaxTransactionDaysBeforePurging parameter in the Ordering group of the Application Details form. Specify the maximum age of transactions in days. For example, if you specify 365 days, transactions that are dated 366 days or earlier are deleted.


Complete these tasks in the Business Center.
  1. In the Scheduled Jobs form, use the Cron Expression field to specify when the PreviousOrder.CleanupOrderHistory job should be run.
  2. In the Application Details form, specify the maximum age of orders in the MaxTransactionDaysBeforePurging parameter that is available in the Ordering group.