Security node

The Security node has five children: Filters, Generic Service, Permission External Checker, Profiles, and Service Model Whitelist.


The Filters node applies criteria to models to determine which records are displayed in the portal. The Filters node has several Model nodes as children. Each Model node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Description Description of the filter.
Extension - Moniker / Type Moniker of the filter, followed by the name of the assembly in which it is located. Use this attribute if your filter is defined in a custom assembly.

Custom filter assemblies.

Model Name Name of the model that the filter applies to.

Each Model node can have one or more Expression Group nodes as children. Each Expression Group node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Concatinator Concatinator to use for the expressions in the group, such as And or Or.
Description Description of the expression group.

Each Expression Group node can have two children: Criteria and Nest. The Nest node can have one or more other Expression Group nodes as children.

The Criteria node can have one or more Criterion nodes as children. Each Criterion node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Operator Operator to use for this criterion. Can be one of these values:
  • Equal
  • NotEqual
  • In
  • NotIn
  • GreaterThan
  • LessThan
  • GreaterThanOrEqual
  • LessThanOrEqual
  • Contains
  • Like
  • NotLike
  • IsNull
  • IsNotNull
Property Property that is being evaluated.
Value Value to which the property is compared.
Variable Variable to use for the value of the comparison. The variable must be a property of the CurrentUser object, which is an instance of the Portal.Membership class. For example, to get the current user's contact key you would specify CurrentUser.Contact.ContactKey.

Generic Service

The Generic Service node has one child node called Allowing Monikers, which lists the monikers of the objects that can use the generic service. The Allowing Monikers node has one or more Moniker nodes as children. Each Moniker node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Http Method Comma-separated list of HTTP methods that are supported for this moniker. Leave blank if all methods are supported.
Name Moniker of an object that can use the generic service.

Permission External Checker

The Permission External Checker node has one or more Checker nodes as children. Each Checker node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Description Description of the checker.
Type Information Full class name of the checker, followed by the name of the assembly in which it is located.


The Profiles node has one or more Model nodes as children. Each Model node has one attribute:

Attribute Description
Model Name Name of the model for which the profiles are configured.

Each Model node has one or more Profile nodes as children. Each Profile node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Moniker / Type Moniker of the profile, followed by the name of the assembly where it is located.
Profile Name Name of the profile, such as Customer or Public.

Each Profile node has a child Properties, with one or more Property nodes as children. Each Property node has one attribute:

Attribute Description
Property Name Name of a property of the parent model that is displayed for this profile.

Service Model Whitelist

The Service Model Whitelist node specifies the service models and HTTP methods that can be accessed through the portal. Only models and methods that are specified in the whitelist are allowed.

The Service Model Whitelist node has one child Allowing Models node, which has a number of Model nodes as children. Each Model node has these attributes:

Http Method Comma-separated list of HTTP methods that are allowed for this model.
Name Fully qualified name of the model.