Instrument List Card View widget

Used to look up records.

This is the newer version of the lookup, using a card-based layout to display information about each instrument. You can also use the original Instrument List View widget instead.

See Instrument List View widget.

In addition to the settings in the widget's configuration, you can configure the card view for different types of instruments in Infor Public Sector.

See System setup and Global service request settings.

You can enter these settings in the widget's configuration:

Setting Description
Application Detail Target Page Page that is used to show details of a selected record.
Stored Procedure Mode Indicates if you want to use a stored procedure in the database to load the user's instruments. The stored procedure can be used to improve performance.

See Card views.

Allow Sharing Indicates whether users can share searches. If you enable the sharing feature, a Share button is shown above the search fields. The user can click this button to share a link to the current search.
Records Per Page Maximum number of records to show in the widget at one time. Users can click the navigation links above and below the list of records to view additional pages.
View by Options Used to define various date range options for the search function. The options that you define will appear in the View list in the widget. For example, you might define an option called "This Week" that shows the last seven days.

Use the Default check boxes to specify which date range is shown when the widget opens. For best performance, we recommend setting the default to a limited range such as the last 30 days. The page can be slow to load if too many records are returned.

Search By Status Date Options Used to configure various status date search fields for the lookup. For example, you might want to allow users to search for applications based on the date an application was added, or the date a permit was issued. For each check box that you select, Rhythm for Civics displays a pair of "from" and "to" date fields that can be used for searching.
Default Sort By Indicates how the records in the list will be sorted, such as by added date or by record number.
Include Sub-type as Filter Criteria Indicates whether you want to include sub-types in the criteria that users can select to filter records. For example, this would allow users to search for building applications by work type, or to search for cases by case group.
Place Cards in this Order Two fields specifying the order in which the cards are displayed.