My Fees List widget

Shows details of the current user's fees and allows payment to be made.

This is the newer version of the fees list. You can also use the original Current Statement widget instead.

See Current Statement widget.

Note: Some settings that affect the My Fees List widget are also stored on the Setup > Cashiering Transactions > Payment node in the Portal configuration.

Cashiering Transactions node

You can enter these settings in the widget's configuration:

Setting Description
Instrument Details Page Page that is shown when the user clicks on instrument number link.
Make Payment Page Page that is shown when the user clicks the Make Payment button.
Expand instruments by default Indicates whether the list of fees for a particular instrument is shown expanded when the widget is loaded.
Expand fee groups by default Indicates whether the list of fees for a particular fee group is shown expanded when the widget is loaded.
Records Per Page Maximum number of records to show in the widget at one time. Users can click the navigation links above and below the list of records to view additional pages.