Billing node

The Billing node defines configuration settings for the Rhythm for Civics Billing Portal.

The Billing node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Cashiering Register ID ID of the cash register that is used for payment processing.
Note: This attribute is only used for Billing payments. To configure a cash register for CDR fee payments, use the Cashiering Register ID attribute on the Setup node.
Default Payment Batch Default payment batch to use for payments that are submitted through the Billing Portal. The default is used if there is no payment batch associated with the cash drawer that is used for a payment transaction.
Show Initiated Account Indicates whether accounts with an Initiated status are shown in the portal. If the value is False, then only active accounts are shown.
Show Pin Indicates whether the personal identification number (PIN) functionality is enabled for the Billing Portal. If True, users must enter their PIN numbers when they register their accounts.

See User administration.

Void Reason Code on Failure Reason code to use when voiding a cash register transaction.