The rhythm-base maplet under the node in the Rest Services GIS configuration has a child node that defines a number of variables that are used to show the map in Rhythm for Civics.
node has a child node, with these children:Node | Description |
address_layer_id | Specify the ID of the address layer. |
address_location_line_1 | Specify the template for showing the first line of an address, such as <%- STRNO %> <%- STRNAME %>. |
address_location_line_2 | Specify the template for showing the second line of an address, such as <%- CITY %> <%- ZIP %>. |
address_symbol_title | Specify the template for showing the label for an address marker in the map. |
green_zone_filter | Specify the filter to apply to the zone layer to find only green zones. |
layer_key_template | Specify the template to use for unique feature identifiers. |
max_feature_count | Specify the maximum number of features to return when geocoding for an address or parcel. |
parcel_layer_id | Specify the ID of the parcel layer. |
parcel_symbol_title | Specify the template for showing the label for a parcel marker in the map. |
primary_address_fields | Specify the primary fields to show for an address title. |
primary_featureserver_url | Specify the URL of the feature server. |
primary_mapserver_url | Specify the URL of the map server. |
primary_zone_field | Specify the field that is used to identify green zones and red zones. |
red_zone_filter | Specify the filter to apply to the zone layer to find only red zones. |
secondary_address_fields | Specify the additional address fields to show when an address is expanded. |
secondary_parcel_fields | Specify the additional fields to show when a parcel is expanded. |
sync_key_field |
See GIS synchronization. |
zone_layer_id | Specify the ID of the zone layer. |