Configuring user impersonation

  1. Open the PortalSetup configuration in the Configuration Editor.
  2. Add an Applet node under the Impersonation > Applets node.
  3. Add these attributes to the Applet node:
    Set the value to True to enable user impersonation.
    Specify the moniker of the applet where the button will be shown, such as Hansen.Portal.PortalUserViewerApplet for the Portal User InfoViewer.
    Button Display Text
    Optionally, specify the text that will be shown on the button. The default is Open Portal.
    Portal User Bind
    If the applet specified by the Moniker attribute is bound to the Hansen.Portal.Membership object, you can specify Membership.MembershipKey to get the portal user for the impersonation. The administrator can then go directly to the user's account without first selecting a portal user. For example, the Portal User InfoViewer is bound to Hansen.Portal.Membership. If this attribute is added for that applet, then the administrator can go directly to the account of the current user.
  4. Add the Sites node under the new Applet node, then add a child Site node.
  5. Add these attributes to the Site node:
    Portal URL
    Specify the URL of the page to open in Rhythm for Civics when a user in Infor Public Sector clicks the user impersonation button.
    Token Authentication Page
    Specify the portal page to use for token authentication.

    See Token authentication page.

  6. Optionally, specify one or more parameters for the site.
    Each Site node can have a child Parameters node, with one or more Parameter nodes as children. The parameters that you specify will be added to the URL of the parent site.

    For each parameter, add the Key attribute and either the Value attribute or the Bind attribute, but not both. The Key specifies the name of the parameter. The Value specifies a fixed value, and the Bind specifies a property that is used to get the value for the parameter.

  7. Save your changes.