Payment Express configuration

Payment Express integration uses a combination of PX Fusion and PX Post. PX Fusion is responsible for setting up a payment session, processing the payment form with the credit card information, and returning the payment status (PreparePayment and PreauthorizePayment).

Infor Public Sector is responsible for completing authorized transactions, refunding transactions, and providing details of any previously made transactions using PX Post.

To configure Payment Express, log in to Infor Public Sector and open Cashiering Setup. Add a merchant account for PX Fusion. Add these custom properties to the merchant account:

Property Value
1000 PX Fusion URL.
1001 URL of the Payment Express logo. Payment Express requires PX Fusion users to include its logo within the pay form.
1002 (optional) Number of years provided in the year field. For example, if a value of 5 is specified and the current year is 2018, then 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 will be made available in the expired year drop down box. The default is 10.
1003 (optional) Number of digits used to display the year field (2 or 4). Default: 2
1004 (optional) Label text for the cardholder name field.
1005 (optional) Label text for the card number field.
1006 (optional) Label text for the expiration date field.
1007 (optional) Label text for the CVV field.
1008 (optional) Tooltip for the CVV field.
2000 (optional) User name for prepare payment transactions. If you do not specify a user name here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
2001 (optional) Password for prepare payment transactions. If you do not specify a password here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
2002 Currency for prepare payment transactions, such as USD for US dollars.
2003 (optional) PX Fusion end point for prepare payment transactions. If you do not specify an end point, the host address and port defined for the merchant account will be used.
2004 PX Fusion request header action for prepare payment transactions.
2005 PX Fusion request header host for prepare payment transactions.
2006 AVS Setting (0,1,2,3)
3000 (optional) User name for pre-authorize payment transactions. If you do not specify a user name here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
3001 (optional) Password for pre-authorize payment transactions. If you do not specify a password here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
3003 (optional) PX Fusion end point for pre-authorize payment transactions. If you do not specify an end point, the host address and port defined for the merchant account will be used.
3004 PX Fusion request header action for pre-authorize payment transactions.
3005 PX Fusion request header host for pre-authorize payment transactions.
3006 (optional) CVV Response check override.

CVV check only approves "M" transactions by default. The accepted response code can be overwritten by the specified value.

4000 (optional) User name for void payment transactions. If you do not specify a user name here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
4001 (optional) Password for void payment transactions. If you do not specify a password here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
4002 Currency for void payment transactions.
4003 (optional) PX Post end point for void payment transactions. If you do not specify an end point, the host address and port defined for the merchant account will be used.
5000 (optional) User name for authorize payment transactions. If you do not specify a user name here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
5001 (optional) Password for authorize payment transactions. If you do not specify a password here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
5002 Currency for authorize payment transactions.
5003 (optional) PX Post end point for authorize payment transactions. If you do not specify an end point, the host address and port defined for the merchant account will be used.
6000 (optional) User name for refund payment transactions. If you do not specify a user name here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
6001 (optional) Password for refund payment transactions. If you do not specify a password here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
6002 Currency for refund payment transactions.
6003 (optional) PX Post end point for refund payment transactions. If you do not specify an end point, the host address and port defined for the merchant account will be used.
7000 (optional) User name for inquire payment transactions. If you do not specify a user name here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
7001 (optional) Password for inquire payment transactions. If you do not specify a password here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
7003 (optional) PX Post end point for inquire payment transactions. If you do not specify an end point, the host address and port defined for the merchant account will be used.
8000 (optional) User name for inquire reversed payment transactions. If you do not specify a user name here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
8001 (optional) Password for inquire reversed payment transactions. If you do not specify a password here, the one for the merchant account will be used.
8003 (optional) PX Post end point for inquire reversed payment transactions. If you do not specify an end point, the host address and port defined for the merchant account will be used.