Configuring the Add Instrument widget

  1. In Rhythm for Civics, open the configuration for the Add Instrument widget.
  2. Under Requests Submit Options (CRM), specify this information:
    Use Advanced Location Selection
    Select this check box to enable the advanced location view for customer service requests.
    Show as Separate Step
    Select this check box if you want to show the location information on a separate tab in the submit process.
  3. Under Licenses and Permits Submit Options (CDR), specify this information:
    Use Advanced Location Selection
    Select this check box to enable the advanced location view for license and permit applications.
    Show as Separate Step
    Select this check box if you want to show the location information on a separate tab in the submit process.
    Use assets on Map
    Select this check box if you want to show assets on the map.

    See Assets on the map.

  4. Enter any other settings for the advanced location views, such as the map search extent and the number of AutoComplete results to show.
  5. Click Save.