Response binds

Response binds are used to define custom mappings for the properties returned by the AutoComplete service. Response binds can also be used to populate additional fields from the AutoComplete response.

The external service returns a set of properties using the response mappings defined in the service profile. If the name of a property in the response matches the name of the property that a control is bound to, no response bind is needed. The property is mapped to the correct control automatically. If the property names are not the same, then you must use a response bind to map the property in the response to the bind of the control.

To populate an additional field, add a response bind that maps the desired property to the bind of the control that you want to populate. When the user makes a selection from the AutoComplete suggestion list on the primary field, the additional field will be populated with the corresponding value of the specified property. For example, you may want to automatically populate an ID field when the user selects a name for a Name field.

You define response binds in the AutoComplete configuration. Add a child RESPONSEBINDS node to the appropriate COMPONENT node, then add a child ReturnProperty node for each response bind.

The Return Property attribute of the ReturnProperty node specifies the property that you are mapping to the specified control. The Control ID attribute specifies the bind of the control to which you are mapping this property.

Note: If you add response binds to a component, the AutoComplete response will include only the properties mapped in the response binds.