Portal User node

The Portal User node defines general settings for users of Rhythm for Civics.

Note: The password settings on this node are not used if you have configured a single sign on provider for Rhythm for Civics.

See Single sign on configuration.

This node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Activation Code Length Number of characters in the activation code that is sent to the user. An activation code is used if the Enable Activation attribute is set to True.
Enable Activation Indicates whether user activation is enabled for the portal site.
Enabled Indicate whether portal user functionality is enabled.
Enabled Google reCaptcha Service Indicates whether the Google reCaptcha service is enabled for the portal site.

See Configuring reCaptcha.

Google reCaptcha Secret KeySecurity key for the Google reCaptcha service.
IPS User Name User name used to connect to the Infor Public Sector database.
Maximum Invalid Password Answer Attempts Maximum number of invalid attempts to answer the security question before the user is locked out.
Maximum Invalid Password Attempts Maximum number of invalid password attempts before the user is locked out.
Maximum Lockout Period Maximum amount of time the user is locked out, in minutes.
Maximum Password Age Maximum number of days that a user password remains valid. Users must change their passwords after this number of days.
Note: This attribute is only available in Infor Public Sector Rest Services or later.
Minimum Password Age Minimum number of days that must pass before users can change their passwords.
Note: This attribute is only available in Infor Public Sector Rest Services or later.
Minimum Required non Alpha Numeric Length Minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters that must be included in users' passwords.
Minimum Required Password Length Minimum number of characters that are required in users' passwords.
Password History Number of previous passwords to store in a user's password history. The stored passwords cannot be reused. For example, if you specify 3, then the user cannot reuse any of the last three passwords.
Note: This attribute is only available in Infor Public Sector Rest Services or later.
Password Strength Regular Expression Regular expression that is used to test the strength of users' passwords.
Requires Question and Answer Indicates whether a new user must provide a security question and answer when registering.