Maintaining currencies

Use the Currencies page to manage the currencies that are installed during ResRent implementation.

To maintain currencies:

  1. Select Administration > Configuration > Currencies.
  2. Select the currency code that you want to modify.
  3. Specify this information:
    Currency Name
    Specify the name of the currency. The currency name is automatically populated based on the existing currency record.
    Specify the currency description.
    Specify Active to use the currency.
    ISO Numeric Code
    Specify the three digit code assigned to the currency based on the ISO currency definition.
    Currency Symbol
    Specify the graphic symbol that represents the currency.
    Decimal Symbol
    Specify the symbol that is used for the currencies decimal separator, such as a comma or a period.
    Grouping Symbol
    Specify the standard grouping symbol for the currency that is used to separate thousands within the currency, such as a comma or an apostrophe.
    Digits After Decimal
    Specify the number of numeric digits to display following the decimal symbol.
    Positive Format
    Select the location of currency symbol relative to the numeric portion of the currency amount.
    Negative Format
    Select the format in which to display negative currency amounts, such as -$1.1 or ($1.1).
    Corporate Currency
    If this check box is selected, the selected currency is designated as the corporate currency. A corporate currency is the currency in which your corporate headquarters reports revenue.
    Location Home Currency
    Select this check box if the currency is a home currency for the current location. The location home currency is the currency in which the location home reports revenue.
  4. Click Save Record.