Configuring CDP priority

Use the CDP Priority page to configure which CDP receives priority during vehicle assignment.

To configure CDP (Corporate Discount Plan) priorities:

  1. Select Rules Setup > Vehicle Assignments > CDP Priorities.
  2. Click New Record.
  3. Specify this information:
    CDP (Corporate Discount Plan)
    Specify the CDP code.
    CDP Name
    Specify the CDP name.
    Select this check box to indicate that global CDPs are taken into account to determine vehicle assignment.
    Specify the priority based on which the vehicles are assigned. Vehicles are assigned first to the CDP which has the highest priority.
  4. In the Settings section, specify the following:
    Specify the region from which the CDPs are taken into account to determine vehicle assignment.
    Specify the country from which the CDPs are taken into account to determine vehicle assignment.
    Specify the location from which the CDPs are taken into account to determine vehicle assignment.
  5. Click Save Record to save the information.