Working with the cash journal

The Cash Journal tab displays a list of cash transactions associated with a cash drawer that is currently in use. Cashiers and location personnel can use the cash journal to record cashed checks, currency exchanges, and cash adjustment transactions. The cash journal records both transactions that impact the cash drawer but not a particular renter's Charge and transactions that do impact renter's Charge, such as cash or check settlement payments and pay outs.

To work with the cash journal:

  1. Select Rentals > Cashier Banking.
  2. On the List View tab, select the cash drawer record to work with and click the Cash Journal tab. A list of all active cash journal transactions for the cash drawer and their posting dates is displayed.
  3. To add a new cash journal transaction, specify this information in the Journal Details section:
    Voucher Number
    The system generates a unique voucher number for each cash journal transaction. For example, a cash journal record can be created by any of the following screens:
    • Charges: For cash, check, or paid out postings.
    • Advance Deposit: For cash or check deposits.
    • Return: For cash or check auto settlements.
    • Cash Journal: For any journal detail type posted.
    • Close Drawer: When a cash detail for a shift posts a cash drop.
    The voucher number is automatically generated based on the location parameter CASHJRNLVOUCNUMSEQ which defines the starting sequence number for cash journal voucher numbers.
    Detail Type
    Specify the type of cash transaction to complete: Cash Adjustment, Cash Check, Currency Exchange. Depending on the detail type selected, other fields within the Journal Details section are enabled or disabled.
    Currency In
    Specify the currency of the incoming transaction.
    Amount In
    Specify the value of the incoming transaction.
    Check Number
    If the incoming transaction is a check, specify the check number of the check received.
    Currency Out
    Specify the currency of the outgoing transaction.
    Amount Out
    Specify the value of the outgoing transaction.
    Note: Amount Out is automatically populated based on the value specified for Amount In and the corresponding Exchange Rate.
    Specify the vehicle number of the renter associated with the transaction.
    Renter Name
    Specify the name of the renter associated with the transaction.
    ID Type
    Specify the type of identification document presented by the renter; for example, driver's license or passport.
    ID Number
    Specify the number of the identification document presented by the renter; for example, the driver's license number or passport number.
    Specify any comments or additional information associated with the transaction as necessary.
  4. Click Save. The record is saved and added to the cash journal list.