Configuring e-mail notification parameters

Set up the parameters to include in the body of the Messenger e-mail. Parameters must also be set up in the template e-mail body.

To set up e-mail notification parameters:

  1. Select Administration > E-Mail Messenger > E-mail Notification Setup.
  2. Specify the table for which to setup e-mail notification conditions.
  3. Select the record for which you want to set up parameters.
  4. Click Create Parameters.
  5. Click Add Parameters.
  6. In the Parameter Details section, specify this information:
    Specify the parameter number for the e-mail. The parameter must be in a range of 1 to 15.
    Specify the name of the column of the system table to be used when creating the e-mail content for the e-mail body.
  7. Click Save. The system saves the record and updates the Parameters list. The system clears Active on the associated e-mail notification record.
  8. Click Close.