Creating Vehicle SIPPs

Use the Vehicle SIPPs page to build vehicle SIPPs by location. You can only set a record to Inactive status and not delete the record. Standard Interline Passenger Procedure (SIPP) code is four letters long and is an abbreviation for the major features of a car that you want to rent. For example, if you need a compact, two door car that is automatic with air conditioning, the SIPP code can be CBAC.

To create vehicle SIPPs:

  1. Select Fleet > Vehicle SIPPs.
  2. Click New Record.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the SIPP and its description that you want to add to the location. You can create additional codes using the VEHSIP global code.
    Specify Active to use the SIPP.
    Specify the collection that you want to associate to this SIPP. You can create additional codes using the VEHCOL global code.
    Specify the group that you want to associate to this SIPP. You can create additional codes using the VEHGRP global code.
    Specify the class that you want to associate to this SIPP. You can create additional codes using the VEHCLS global code.