Creating code values for code types
Use the Values tab to define code values for code types.
To create code values:
The value in the Categorized
By field, on the List
View tab is another Code
Type value whereby one record references another. See below example:
- Code
Type: CONTRY (Country Code) is pre-installed. It has many Code
Values defined for it. Two of them are:
- US (United States)
- CA (Canada)
- Code Type: STPRCD (State/Province Code) is also pre-installed and has CONTRY referenced in its Categorized By field. It also has many Code Values defined for it, some of which are shown below. The Category field is enabled and optional because it has the CONTRY code type referenced in the Categorized By field, on the List View tab. Each code value that is created can be assigned one of the code values for CONTRY.
Code Value | Code Description | Category |
SC | South Carolina | US |
ON | Ontario | CA |
QC | Quebec | CA |
OR | Oregon | US |