Creating inspection request data partner and subscription

Use the Inspection Request feature in Lot Check screen to request the fleet staff to inspect a vehicle for problems like flat tire, engine light and so on. The following are the prerequisites to create a databridge event:

  • You must set the install parameter EAMINT to YES to trigger events to Databridge.
  • A User ID of RESRENT must preexist in EAM with:
    • Password: Specify the password.
    • User Group assignment HERTZPW
    • Connector check box selected
    • Organizations associated such as *, all countries which are associated to the Locations in ResRent and so on.

To create inspection request data partner:

  1. Select Administration > Security > Install Parameter .
  2. Specify EAMINT in the dataspy.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify YES
  5. Click Save Record.
  6. Select Administration > Databridge > Databridge Partner .
  7. Click New Record.
  8. Specify this information:
    Specify EAM. Also specify the partner description.
    Partner ID
    Specify EAM.
    Select to indicate that the Databridge partner is active. If this check box is clear, no events are sent to the partner.
    Credentials User ID
    Credentials Password
    Specify the password for the user even if not set. You must specify some value.
  9. Click Save Record.
  10. Click Subscriptions tab.
  11. In the Subscription Details and Message Delivery sections, specify this information:
    Specify HTNGREQUEST.
    Document Type
    Specify VehicleInspectionRequest. The document type is used by Databridge internally to determine what kind of message is being sent.
    Select to enable the event.
    Specify the URL to which outbound documents are sent for the selected event. The URL is either any FTP or HTTP location such as http://<host/port info>/axis/services/EWSConnector . For example
    User ID
    Specify the user ID for logging into the receiving system to which outbound documents are sent. This must be user credentials in the form of RESRENT@<Tenant name> such as RESRENT@RES_QA19 as an example.
    Specify the password for the RESRENT User.
    Special Handling
    Enter the customized processor for special handling the delivery of outbound events. Specify DefaultMessageHandler/EAM/EAM/EAMSoapClient.
  12. Click Submit. The subscription is saved and updates the Subscriptions list.
    Note: To delete a partner subscription, select the subscription to delete, and then click Delete Subscription.
  13. To view the event messages, select Administration > Databridge > Databridge Message Status
  14. Specify EAM in the dataspy to search for the message.