Defining global text changes

Use the Global Text Changes page to change boiler text (field labels) throughout the system rather than using screen designer on each separate screen on which the boiler text is displayed. Making global text changes creates system-wide terminology changes. Any changes made on the Global Text Changes page are applied to all screens where the specified text is displayed. Error messages, function titles, and code descriptions cannot be changed using the Global Text Changes page.

You must clear the cache on the application server before the text changes are displayed. You must clear the cache on the client’s machine as well.

It is possible to have duplicate texts within the system. Changing one will not affect the other. Following important details must be noted:

  • To reverse the text change for the selected record, click Undo. The Original Text is set as the Current Text by the system.
  • To reverse all of the system boiler text changes, click Undo All. The Original Text is set as the Current Text by the system, for all records.
  • To update all of the system boiler text changes, click Redo All. The Current Text is set as Alternate Text by the system, for all records.
  • To view a list of screens where the selected record appears, click Where Used.

To define global text changes:

  1. Select Administration > Setup > Global Text Changes.
  2. Specify the search criteria in the Dataspy.
  3. Select the record that you want to update. The system populates Current Text, Original Text, Language, Code, and Last Updated fields.
  4. Specify this information:
    Alternate Text
    Specify the new boiler text.
  5. Click Save.