Using Reservation screen to create vehicle reservations

Use the Reservation page to create, modify and cancel vehicle reservations. You can search the Pickup Location and Return Location fields based on any word/code within the Location Code / Location Description. For example: SFOT01ZR - SAN FRANCISCO INTL AP. You can search by SAN or ZR or INTL and so on.

Note: Use hot key Alt + 9 tab to navigate to the mandatory fields.

The following are the important Action buttons that you can use:

  • Cancel: Select an existing reservation in any status other than Returned, On Rent and click Cancel to cancel the reservation. You must specify a cancellation reason before you can cancel the reservation. The Cancellation reason and Cancellation Number fields are populated by the system.
  • Reserve: Select an existing reservation in the No Show, Waitlist, New and click Reserve to change the status of the record to Reserved. The Reservation Number and Confirmation fields are populated by the system.
  • Terms and Conditions: Select an existing reservation and click this button to add the terms and conditions to the reservation.
  • Use the Advance Search button on the Search Bar to search for reservations beyond the (+/-) 30 Day limit. Additionally, you can also search by a particular Grouping or Sub-Grouping.
    • Use the Batch Needs Attention check box in the Advance Search pop-up to filter records that fail during the Reservation Update batch process.
    • Use Loyalty # and Reservation # buttons in the Search Bar to search for any reservations with a specific Loyalty # or Reservation # and not is not limited to the +/- 30 Days restriction.
  • Use the Notifications button to invoke the Notifications pop-up . Use this pop-up to view/add notifications that must be sent to the renter either prior to or during the rental period. These notifications include notifications generated from batch jobs. Notifications updated in this pop-up are not saved in the profile.
  • Click Documents and Comments action buttons to invoke the pop-up for you to view and specify information.

To create vehicle reservations:

  1. Select Reservations > Reservation.
  2. Specify the information that you require. See additional details about these fields:
    Status Detail
    Specify the status detail. See Status and Status Detail relationship.
  3. In the Renter/Itinerary tab, specify the information that you require. See Renter.
  4. In the vehicle tab, specify the information that you require. See Vehicle.
  5. In the Value Added Services section, specify the information that you require. See Value Added Services.
  6. In the Advanced tab, specify the information that you require. See Advanced
  7. In the Payment tab, specify the information that you need. Select the Primary check box to set the payment type as the primary payment type for the reservation. Primary credits cards are populated by the CRM if renter profile is available in the system.
  8. In the Estimated Charges section, specify the information that you require. See Estimated Charges
  9. Click Save Record to create the reservation.