Using lot management

Use the Lot Management page to set up how locations configure the parking of the vehicles at their location. This page allows the administrators to configure settings required for vehicle assignment to parking slots at their location as well as vehicle assignment to customer reservations. The Level tabs allow you to configure a location's parking into various schemas such as Terminal, Lots, Rows and finally the Stalls.

  • The location parameter SMSHARE determines if a location is allowed to be referenced on a slotting management record along with another location in the Location(s) field. By default, this check box is clear and sharing is not allowed.
  • Use Copy with Details icon to create a new slotting management record with a copy of the tab level data of the currently selected record. If there is no data defined for any of the Level tab(s) of the selected record, then those corresponding check boxes are disabled.

To create a slotting management record:

  1. Select Fleet > Lot Management.
  2. Click New Record.
  3. Specify this information in the Location tab:
    Specify if the record is rental record or a fuel/maintenance record.
    Specify the Location(s) for which you want to create the parking schema(s). The system allows for more than one location to exist on a slotting management record for fuel islands and maintenance areas which can be shared by more than one location based on the location parameter SMSHARE.
    Fleet Location
    Specify the fleet location for the purpose of fleet maintenance.
    Specify the description of the location for which you want to create the parking schema.
    Specify Active to use the record. By default, the status is set to Inactive. The system allows multiple slotting management records to exist for the same Location or set of locations, but only one of these Versions can be set to Active status at a time.
  4. In the Slotting Details section, specify the following:
    Specify the template that you want to enforce certain slotting level usage on the Level tabs. You can use the slotting management template to control which Level tabs are available where the user can create records.
    Secure Pickup
    If this check box is selected, it indicates that the area from where customers pick the car has a locked gate.
    Automatic Assignment
    If this check box is selected, vehicles are automatically assigned by CPQ.
    Vehicle Assignment
    The vehicle assignment process is carried out by CPQ and can be used for communicating to both:
    • The lot agent, as to whether to slot the vehicle in any of the vacant stalls of a parking lot or a specific stall of a lot.
    • The renter, by recommending (or assigning in batch processes) a vehicle or a lot to a reservation and informing the renter about their vehicle's pick up location such as :
      • A specific VIN in a specific Stall
      • Or a Lot - where renter can choose any car in the lot.
    Note: The setting provided must be manually set to match what CPQ receives about the Location from MDM. If HasUltimateChoice is set to true in CPQ (from MDM), this setting must be set to Lot in ResRent; otherwise it must be set to Stall.
    Unique Stall Names
    If this check box is selected, system ensures that all Level tab records are assigned unique names. Also, if a parent record has Unique Stall Names check box selected, an error is displayed by the system if you create a stall record with a name that already exists under this parent anywhere in the structure.
  5. Click Save Record to create the record.