Configuring e-mail notification conditions

Set up e-mail notifications to send e-mail whenever a specific condition is met.

To set up e-mail notification conditions:

  1. Select Administration > E-Mail Messenger > E-mail Notification Setup.
  2. Specify the table for which to setup e-mail notification conditions.
  3. Select the record for which you want to set up conditions.
  4. Click Create Conditions.
  5. Click Add Condition.
  6. In the Condition Details section, specify this information:
    Specify the name of the column on the system table that applies to the e-mail notification.
    Specify the criteria for the e-mail notification.
    Specify the value of the e-mail notification condition.
    • Date: To_date (‘23-OCT-2003’,’DD-MON-YYYY’). For example, if you are entering a date value for a condition that is equal to a specific date, enter the value according to this exact format:
      Column Condition Value 1
      Name of column Is equal to To_date (‘23-OCT-2012’,’DD-MON-YYYY’)
    • Numbers: To_Number (10). For example, if you are entering a number value for a condition that is greater than a specific number, enter the value according to this exact format:
      Column Condition Value 1
      Name of column Is greater than To_number (10)
    • Characters: engine
    • Contains: %pump%
      Note: You must enter a Value 1. The system protects both Value 1 and Value 2 if you enter "is blank" or "is not blank" in Condition. Value 2 is required if you enter "is between" or "is not between" in Condition.

      If you update Column or Condition after you enter Value 1 or Value 2, the system clears both of the value fields.

  7. Click Save. The system saves the record and updates the Conditions list.
    Note: The system clears Active on the associated E-mail Notification record.

    To delete a condition, select the condition to delete, and then click Delete Condition. The system deletes the record and updates the Conditions list.

  8. Click Close. The system closes the E-mail Conditions popup.