Using lot management templates

Use the Lot Management Templates page to create a slotting management template. You can use the slotting management template to control which Level tabs are available on the Lot Management screen where the user can create records. For example, if the template that you are creating below, is referenced in the Lot Management > Location > Template field, then only records for the specified slotting levels as allowed by the template, can be created on the specified tabs.

To create slotting management templates:

  1. Select Fleet > Lot Management Templates.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of the template.
    Specify the description of the template.
    Specify Active.
    Level (1-6)
    Specify the levels that you want to enforce on the Lot Management > Level (1-6) tabs if this template is used.
  3. Click Submit to save the record.