Configuring SIPP code mappings

Use the SIPP Code Mapping page to configure SIPP code alternative mapping which is generally used for smaller locations. The mapped SIPP codes can be substituted with each-other in case the reserved SIPP code is not available.

To configure SIPP code mappings:

  1. Select Rules Setup > Substitutions > SIPP Code Mappings.
  2. Click New Record.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the brand for which you want to configure the SIPP code mappings.
    Specify the region for which you want to configure the SIPP code mappings.
    Specify the country for which you want to configure the SIPP code mappings.
    Specify the location for which you want to configure the SIPP code mappings.
    From SIPP
    Specify the SIPP for which you want to configure the mapping.
    To SIPP
    Specify the SIPP that you want to map to the value in the From SIPP field.
  4. Click Save Record to save the information and add the record to the list.