Using Rental screen
Use the Rental page to manage the pickup, return or exchange of vehicle for a renter with an existing reservation. You can use the page to verify renter details, itinerary, vehicle coverages, value added services and so on.
- New rate is displayed by the system when the age changes and goes below 25.
- In the Renter search field you can specify the last name or partial last name to search for the reservation records.
- Use Hot Key Alt + 9 tab to navigate to the mandatory fields.
- The Rental page opens as a List View and executes the default Daily Manifest dataspy. When you double-click a record, the record opens the appropriate Rental tab based on the status and other criteria.
- If install parameter RPROC is enabled, then the Rental Process pop-up is invoked when you select a record on the list view of the Rental screen. If the parameter is disabled, the pop-up is not invoked when you select a record on the list view of the Rental screen. By default, the parameter is disabled.
- If the property parameter NMELOGIC is enabled, it determines the number of hours a record can be in the On Rent status before the Non-Move Exchange check box is disabled. The default value for this parameter is 2 hours and can be modified.
- Vehicle, Exchange tabs: If you select Pickup in the Process pop-up window and assign a VIN that is on an open rental agreement with Status Detail set to On Rent or Overdue, Aging pop-up window is invoked by the system when you assign a VIN that is on an On Rent record. On submit, the On Rent record is being set to Closed Pending / Aging and vehicle is assigned to the new record.
- Snap#: Snap# is the number from the manual sheet that the location agent uses to carry out manual pickups when the system is down.
- Pickup: System can perform credit card and DL checks on multiple open rentals and display the data in Multiple Open Rental list popup. You can enable this functionality through OPENRENT install parameter.
To manage the pickup, return or exchange of vehicle: