Printing lot check report

Use the Lot Check Report page to print the report that the agent can carry to the lot where cars are slotted to compare the system data to actual inventory on the lot. The report displays the system data of cars in each slot along with blank comment line for the agent to check mark if the system data matches with the actual car on the slot or write a comment in case of a discrepancy as to what is actually in the slot and/or note if vehicle needs inspection.

To print the report:

  1. Select Reports > Operations > Lot Check Report.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the location for which you want to print the lot check report.
    Specify the terminal for which you want to print the lot check report.
    Specify the floor for which you want to print the lot check report.
    Specify the lot for which you want to print the lot check report.
    Specify the row for which you want to print the lot check report.
    Specify the stall for which you want to print the lot check report.
    Lot Type
    Specify the lot type for which you want to print the lot check report.
  3. Click Print Record to print the report.