Searching for outbound events

Databridge outbound message documents originate via outbound events. Use the Databridge Outbound Events screen to monitor events and their statuses. A status of Done is assigned to messages that have been sent successfully to the Databridge messaging service for further processing.

To search for outbound events:

  1. Select Administration > Databridge > Databridge Outbound Events.
  2. To specify the time interval for which to search, enter the From Date/Time and To Date/Time.
  3. Specify the Status of the event or events for which to search.
  4. Specify the Transaction Type of the event or events for which to search.
  5. Click Search. The search results are displayed in the transaction list.
  6. Click Show Total Record Count. The record count is displayed in the message bar.
  7. View the record count and click OK.