Configuring delivery resources

Use the Delivery Resource page to configure the location resources that are available to deliver a vehicle.

To configure the delivery resources for a location:

  1. Select Rules Setup > Delivery Resources > Delivery Resources.
  2. Click New Record.
  3. Specify the information that you require. See additional details about the fields below.
    Specify the location name for which you want to configure the delivery resources.
    Calendar Date
    Specify the date for which you want to configure the delivery resources.
    Delivery Schedule Basis
    Specify the basis on which the delivery of the vehicle must be performed. For example, Daily or Hourly.
    Daily Delivery Capacity
    Specify the number of resources that are available for daily delivery of vehicles.
    Hours and Allocated Available
    Specify how many deliveries can be performed for each chronological hour.
  4. Click Save Record to save the information.