Creating translations for Terms & Conditions

Use the Translations tab to translate terms and conditions Clauses into different languages using the English revision as a reference. Only approved clauses are translated.

To create translations:

  1. Select Administration > Configuration > Terms & Conditions > Translations.
  2. Specify this information:
    Clause and Description
    Specify the clause code and description.
    Specify the language in which you want to create the translation.
    Specify the date on which the clause goes into effect.
    If this check box is selected for a clause, an email is sent to the renter with a link to view the T&C.
    If this check box is selected for a clause, the reservation agent reads the T&C to renter verbally during reservation time.
    Terms and Conditions
    Specify the terms and conditions.
  3. Click Approve to set the status of the clause to Approved.
  4. Alternatively, click Deactivate to deactivate an existing clause. You can deactivate only an Approved clause.