Setting up menus for user groups

Set up menus on the Menus page of the User Groups form. Creating a menu structure for user groups is critical to database security and data integrity. The menu structure is displayed in a tree structure that extends to four levels—one Main Menu level, two Sub-Menu levels, and one Screen level. The Main Menu level may contain up to seven items. The Sub-Menu level may contain up to 50 items, and the items may be a mix of folders and screens. Finally, the Screen level may contain up to 50 items, but the items must be screens.

To set up menus for user groups:

  1. Select Administration > Security > User Groups.
  2. On the List View tab, double click the user group record to work with, and then click the Menus tab.
  3. View the tree structure, and then click the plus sign (+) beside the menu and/or sub-menu you wish to view. The system expands the menu and/or sub-menu and then displays the folders and screens that reside at various levels below the main menu and/or sub-menu.
    Note: Click the minus sign (-) to collapse the menu.
  4. Specify this information:
    Available Screens
    From the right panel of the form, select the screen to add to the menu structure.
  5. Drag and drop the screen name into the desired menu structure location on the tree structure.
    The system checks the number of screens applied to the menu structure. If less than 30 screens exist, the system adds the screen to the tree structure and expands to illustrate the level of the screen as necessary.

    The system also inserts the screen into the Screen Permissions table and the Tab Permissions table as necessary.

    Note: If you drop a screen into a sub-menu folder, the system adds the screen as the last child of the sub-menu folder. If you drop a screen to another screen, the system adds the screen directly below the existing screen.

    You may also drag and drop main menu folders, sub-menu folders, and screens within the tree structure. You cannot make a higher-level item subordinate to a lower-level item, meaning you cannot move a main menu folder to the Screen level.

    To delete a menu item, select the menu item to delete, and then click Delete Menu Item. The system deletes the record and updates the tree structure. The system also deletes the screen from the Screen Permissions table and the Tab Permissions table as necessary.