Drilling down
Summary Drill Down and Transaction Drill Down are different types of drill down that enable analysis of the values returned by a data extraction query. Both drill down functions create a separate, dependent worksheet that is added to the current drill path in Drill Path Manager.
Breakout and Expand are used to group and display Summary Link details by individual item. Breakout generates a separate, dependent worksheet for each item on which the breakout is defined. Expand generates a single, dependent worksheet that displays the Summary Link detail for each item on which the expand is defined. Both Breakout and Expand can be used on non-calculated values in a Summary Link or Summary Report. The dependent worksheets that are created by Breakout and Expand are added to the current drill path in Drill Path Manager.
Drill Path Manager is used to save or clear the current drill path, or to reuse a saved drill path. Drill Path Manager can also be used to view, rename, or delete a worksheet.