Insert and run a query formula
To create a macro add this method into your macro along with the
This macro inserts and runs a query formula to a target cell:
Sub InsertAndExecuteQueryFormulaToCell ()
QAAMacro.InsertAndExecuteQueryFormulaToCell "H13","=Infor.QNA_SR(""1,2,SunSystems,LA,F='PK1,K=DbC,F=A,K=/LA/Ldg,F=10000,T=13000,K=/LA/AccCde,F=2005/009,T=2005/009,K=/LA/Prd,E=0,O=/LA/Ldg,E=0,O=/LA/AccCde,E=0,O=/LA/Prd,RT=4154,RF=111111011,AF=1,TP=,"",)"
End Sub
To insert the query to sheets other than the active sheet, change the cell
reference from H13
to SheetName!H13
Ensure that two double
quotes are used after the function name, for example:
..., and at the end of the formula: "",)"
.This macro supports all query formulas:
- Infor.QNA_RL: Reference Link
- Infor.QNA_SL: Summary Link
- Infor.QNA_SR: Summary Report
- Infor.QNA_DR: Detail Report.